Whether you are using a residential wood chipper shredder or you are using an industrial garden shredder, you will have to take care of the safety with both. Especially when you are using a heavy duty garden shredder or wood chipper, at that time you need to be extra cautious. As they are quite bigger, and if not handled properly, they may cause you injury. When you buy these gardening tools and machinery, you get the manual to use them. And the safety precautions are written on it, but most of us forget to read it. So, here we have shared some safety precautions with you all, which you should take care of while using the wood chipper shredder.

Always wear safety and protective equipment
While using the wood chipper shredder, there is some safety equipment which one should always wear to avoid any kind of injury. Some of the safety equipment which you should wear are ear protection, as it produces a loud noise, glasses so that the wood particles thrown away by the shredder blades do not go inside your eyes. Because they come with high speed and may damage your eyesight or leave you teary eyes. Also, get a hard hat for yourself, so that you do not hurt your head with any big wood particles or splinters which come with high speed.
Carefully feed the chipper
For pushing the materials into the wood chipper, do not use your hands, as the blades may hurt you. Instead, use a broomstick or any large pole. Always stay focussed when working with wood chippers especially when feeding it, as one-minute distraction can lead to a big accident.
Do not load too much
Feeding the wood chipper with large wood pieces or with excessive wood, is not the right thing to do. Overloading can cause a problem or it may throw away the large wood particles which can hurt badly.